Marie-Claire aims to get the best out of the each woman’s body. For her its a question of angles and lighting. In this photo Marie-Claire captures the curves of this woman’s body through strategic lighting. The shadows follow the arch of her back and display the muscle definition in her stomach. The lighting creates an image of a long beautiful torso. The dark shadow follows down the side of her body, and although you cannot see her arms stretch overhead, her pose allows you to know that she is standing in this fashion.

Curve and Material

In this photo, the slick angling of the woman on the ground works against the shimmery material and allows the audience to focus in on her despite the background. You might think that the dual print of the material would be distracting, however, it actually focuses attention to her cream colored skin, the curves of her hip and tight muscular form of her stomach. Marie-Claire finds that the background enhances the body.

Reflection of Dotted Curtain on Breasts

Marie-Claire finds a way to capture the artistic beauty of a woman’s breasts within this photo. The reflection of the dotted curtain falls on her chest creating a beautiful image. Her nude body becomes a canvas for the light reflecting through the window and the curtain becomes a brush. The light and curtain combine to create the shadow that draws attention to her bare chest.

Nude in Motion
Although this photo looks as though it is strategically positioned, Marie-Claire makes us aware that this woman was actually in the middle of changing her pose when this picture was captured. Marie-Claire says that it is often between poses that she really gets the image that she wants. The woman’s face is looking away from her body and makes everything below her neck the center of attention. Knowing that the position and angle was an accident makes this photo special.


The woman in this photo is behind a lace curtain. Marie-Claire explains that lace is often used to hide what you do not want to sees. The lace embellishes the body.

Folds and Curves

This photograph is different because half the body is covered in the shadow of lace. Marie-Claire explains, “I have no limitations in form, I take what I choose to see.” By cutting the body in half through the reflection of the shadow the audience can focus on the woman’s curves on the left side of her body, from her breasts down towards her angled hips.